Local Little League Faces Challenges Due to New Field Usage Fees


The introduction of hourly fees for public sports fields in Lyman, Maine, has sparked concerns among local youth sports organizations. The new charges are expected to have a significant impact on the Massabesic Little League, affecting both players and their families. As spring approaches and the sports season looms, organizers worry about the financial burden this will place on their community.

The town's decision to charge $25 per hour for field usage has left many questioning the fairness of such measures. Galen Nickerson, a coordinator for the league, expressed his disbelief when he first learned of the fee. He believes that imposing these costs undermines the spirit of community engagement and could lead to unintended consequences. With over 440 young athletes participating in various sports, including softball, baseball, and tee ball, the league relies heavily on access to multiple fields. The Lyman field alone is utilized between 10 to 14 hours each week during the eight-week season. This new policy could result in an additional expense ranging from $2,000 to $3,000 for the organization if they choose not to pass the cost onto parents.

Maintaining the fields is already a costly endeavor for the nonprofit league. Greg Mitchell, the league president, highlighted that they spend thousands annually on upkeep. They contribute significantly by performing tasks such as recutting infields, applying field conditioners, dragging, lining, and organizing clean-up events. Despite these efforts, the league barely breaks even financially. Recognizing the potential harm these fees could cause, Mitchell has been proactive in seeking dialogue with the town officials. Unfortunately, discussions have yet to yield a satisfactory resolution. Concerns remain that other municipalities might follow suit, creating broader challenges for youth sports programs across the region.

Supporting youth sports fosters community spirit and provides valuable opportunities for children to develop skills and friendships. It is crucial that towns and leagues work together to find solutions that benefit all parties involved. By fostering collaboration and understanding, communities can ensure that future generations continue to enjoy the positive impacts of organized sports without facing unnecessary financial barriers.


